Pronounced: GRAYS
Variations: Gracie, Grayson, Grazia
Grace means "charm" or "blessing" in Latin. It comes from the Latin word "gratia," which means "favor" or "kindness."
Grace is a popular name in English-speaking countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia. It is also a common name in many European countries, including France, Germany, and Italy. Grace is a classic name that has been popular for many years. It's currently ranked in the top 20 in the US and the UK, and it's also popular in other countries such as Australia and Canada.
Did you know?
Grace Kelly was an American actress who became the Princess of Monaco when she married Prince Rainier III in 1956.
The name Grace is also often used in religious contexts, as grace is a central concept in many Christian denominations.
Famous namesakes:
Grace Kelly, American actress and Princess of Monaco.
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